As consumers, we can be stilled into a
fake sensation of protection when it comes to electronics and downloads. We often
believe that if we visit only reputable websites and only download apps, music
and games from reputable sites, then all is good. Unfortunately, it’s not.
Computer viruses have made consumers suffers
for many years now, causing companies to install every kind of firewall
protection known to mankind and individuals to drop hundreds of bucks each year
on keeping their security software updated.
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Bigfix Mobile Care |
Smartphones are the new laptops – but
with a smaller, sexier design. As Smartphones continue to get along and
consumers continue to utilize them for everything from getting photos of their
youngsters in the green to managing their financial portfolios, Viruses and
hackers will stay on to find new hunting grounds, and computer
software companies will go on to transform their mobile virus protection
software. Below are five ways your phone can
pick up a virus:
Downloading Apps – Before you
can act with a new app, you have to download it and accept the terms and
conditions. As a conscious consumer, you read every word in these agreements,
right? But majority of consumers, the answer to that question is (with a shameful
bow of the head). Inside
the tiny print of those permission agreements, you may drop the section telling
what the app will have access to, including your location, contacts list,
social media news reports, email, text and picture messages, calendar and so
forth. Pretty scary stuff, huh? The best mobile virus protection software scans
every app before it is fully downloaded to your Smartphone and produces a
report detailing any threats the app may pose.
The Web – Internet downloads are
probably the easiest way for your cell phone to get a virus. With your
preferred TV show or funny book on the course, you may be quick to download any
file that promises that content. Beware! You have no idea what could be coded
into those files. If your phone is not protected by mobile antivirus software,
you will likely get more than just the latest "Community" episode. Cell
phone virus protection software scans every file download and creates a report.
If the file triggers a red flag, the application will place it into a
quarantine section. Here, you can see a damage report and decide if you want to
delete the infected item or proceed with the download.
PC Hook-ups – If your kid
travels to school and a classmate has lice, it is probable that your child will
arrive home with a hair full of the unwanted bugs. The same concept is true any time you connect your Smartphone to your computer via USB. If your
computer has a bug and your phone is not protected, it will get the malware,
too. The best mobile virus protection software completes real-time, scheduled
and on-demand scans, each digging deep to discover anything that doesn't go. The
scans include USB connections and any information passed between your Smartphone and
Message Attachments
– Whether it's personal or business, you may get hundreds of texts, video
messages and emails every day. You simply dismiss or edit text from unfamiliar
numbers and your email's spam box filters out the most obvious offenders. If
your Smartphone has a virus, however, it can send you texts and emails that are
disguised as messages from familiar contacts, which you'll probably open,
letting out your phone to damage. Mobile antivirus protection software monitors
your Smartphone in real time to observe and give up any malicious material from
infiltrating your Smartphone.
Bluetooth Connection
– In an article published in MIT's "Technology Review" in 2005,
experts predicted that Bluetooth-enabled telephones and connections would
become the superhighways for airborne viruses. Like the human cold or flu
viruses, Bluetooth phones can infect one another by merely being in the same Neighbourhood.
This is quite dreadful, as almost every phone, Smartphone or not, has Bluetooth
capabilities. Not every application provides mobile virus protection, so when
purchasing mobile software for your phone, make sure it specifically states
that it monitors your Bluetooth connection in real time.
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